Headshot of Mr. Howie Drolet

At a recent school board meeting, the Barnstead School Board approved the nomination of Mr. Michael J. "Howie" Drolet to serve as Interim Principal at Barnstead Elementary School (BES) for the 2024-2025 school year.

Mr. Drolet will be entering his 25th year in public school service, having worked as a middle school teacher, high school and K-8 administrator in Milton and Northwood, New Hampshire. He and his wife Andrea, who also works in public school administration, are longtime Barnstead residents who chose the community as the place they wanted to raise their children. Mr. Drolet has been a fixture as a volunteer in local youth leagues and a supporter of the school's parent-teacher organization and countless student activities.

"Mr. Drolet impressed members of the interview team with his ties to the community and his commitment to making BES the best it can be," said superintendent Timothy Broadrick, "This will be his first appointment as a principal, but he has been working toward this moment for a quarter-century, and it may be the perfect time and place for him to get this opportunity." An interim principal, by contract, is employed for one year and may re-apply to be considered for the permanent position during a search the following year. In Barnstead's case, that search is expected to take place next January.

Mr. Drolet possesses a Bachelors degree in Behavioral Sciences and a Masters in Educational Leadership. He will serve out the current year in Northwood, starting at BES July 1st.