PTO Meeting Dates – Meetings take place at 6:30pm in the BES library on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
We also have an option to join a Google Meet to be part of the meetings as well! Click into the the most recent Meeting Agenda/Minutes document below. The link is located at the top of the document.
Parent-Teacher Organization
The Barnstead Elementary School PTO is a nonprofit, volunteer parent/teacher organization whose membership is open to all parents, legal guardians, teachers and staff members at Barnstead Elementary School. The PTO invites all members to share ideas and support BES’ youth.
The PTO’s mission is to support a positive relationship between home and school by fostering open communication between parents and staff of the Barnstead Elementary School. Our efforts serve to enhance and maximize the educational experience of every child. We also seek to provide an environment of support to staff such that it lends to high morale and overall satisfaction in the school environment. Additionally the PTO is organized to provide those resources to the school that are either not provided or not provided sufficiently for in the school budget but are deemed necessary or desirable by the staff for the support and education of the children at Barnstead Elementary School.
E-mail: Email PTO
President: Andrea Drolet
Vice President: John Savage
Secretary: Kara Simpson Barrett
Treasurer: Megan Enright
Members at Large: TBD
BES PTO Kudos Sheet
"As we enter into the new year, reflecting back on the last year may be emotional to say the least. An emotion important to capture during this time is appreciation through gratitude. The educators at Barnstead Elementary School have worked tirelessly to make remote instruction and learning as meaningful to your child as possible. The PTO wants to give you this opportunity to send some kind and grateful words to the faculty, staff and administration at BES. Please take a moment to complete this survey sending "Kudos" to the hardworking community of BES."